Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Who cares about performance enhancing drugs?

I am so sick of hearing about the performance-enhancing drugs scandals in major league sports, I don’t dare turn on the TV for fear I might vomit. Who @$#% cares??? Why does the United States Congress waste time with hearings about something like this when we have war going on, and so many other issues that are FAR more important? It’s insane, just like the country’s morbid fixation on the plight of Britney Spears.

As technology advances, there will be more and more ways to enhance or improve our bodies. I admit that it’s unfair for those who use technology to enhance their performance to compete with those who do not. But lets embrace technology. Let’s have two leagues: one for “enhanced” athletes, and one for “naturals.”

Personally, I think the enhanced league will be much more interesting to watch.

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